What to expect

Both entertaining and hugely instructional course covering the basics of ecology, plant growth and the principles of Grazing Naturally. The relationships between ecosystem function and the patterns of grazing is highlighted, giving insight to outcomes and the patterns that created them.

The course emphasizes the practical and easy to apply Grazing Naturally method. Grazing Naturally is demonstrated as a viable solution to address ecological decline in grazing agriculture in changing climatic and economic conditions.

This course will set people up to make changes in their own organisation.

  • Ecology Fundamentals

    You will learn:
    The value of soil depth and maturity, the soil building process and the carbon cycle, the functioning of ecological communities in relation to soil building, how plants, animals and living organisms build soil, understand soil cover and more!

  • Grazing Management

    You will learn:
    The natural functions of a grazing ecosystem, the effects of light and heavy set stocking, why multi paddock rotational grazing systems often work at first, then stagnate and fail, working with natural patterns to generate ecological shift, building soil carbon and soil depth using natural grazing patterns of animals, the basics of the Grazing Naturally System and more!

  • Feed Budgeting

    You will learn:
    The basics of matching stocking rate to carrying capacity, assessing feed availability using the simple STAC method, plant health and soil building in the paddock and more!

Course curriculum

    1. Your Course Instructor

    2. How to use this course

    3. A Technical Note

    4. Let's meet up

    5. Glossary

    1. Pedogenesis – The generation of soil from rock

    2. Carbon Structure of Living Organisms – The Carbon Cycle

    3. Soil Assessment in Field

    4. Your own Field Assessment (optional)

    5. Feedback - 2 Short Questions

    6. Ecogenesis – Evolution of Ecological Communities

    7. Ecogenesis - Earth’s Ancient Forest Ecosystems

    8. Ecogenesis - Earth’s Modern Grassland Ecosystems - Part 1

    9. Ecogenesis - Earth’s Modern Grassland Ecosystems- Part 2

    10. Ecogenesis - Evolution of Living Carbon Rich Soil

    11. The Bucket Test

    12. Chapter Notes & Summary

    13. Awareness of Ecological Fundamentals Quiz

    1. Introduction

    2. Plant productivity – water and nutrient use versus exudate production

    3. Animal Productivity related to Plant Productivity

    4. Wild Grazing – Wild Herds Grazing Naturally

    5. Overgrazing - A controversy

    6. Chapter Notes & Summary

    7. Nature at Work Quiz

    1. Biodiversity – Grasses, Herbs and Trees - Part 1

    2. Biodiversity – Grasses, Herbs and Trees - Part 2

    3. Water Cycle - Energy Flow - Carbon and Nutrient Cycles

    4. Chapter Notes & Summary

    5. Ecological Processes & Systems Quiz

    1. The Variables of Grazing - Part 1

    2. The Variables of Grazing - Part 2

    3. The Evolution History & Progression of Grazing Practice

    4. Chapter Notes & Summary

    5. Grazing Genesis Quiz

    1. The Growing Season

    2. The Non-Growing Season

    3. The Grazing Naturally System– Key Points and Principles

    4. Chapter Notes & Summary

    5. Grazing Naturally Quiz

About this course

  • 49 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content